Kanok Boriboonsomsin
Kanok Boriboonsomsin
Assistant Research Engineer
Bourns College of Engineering- Center for Environmental Research & Technology
University of California, Riverside
Dr. Boriboonsomsin received a Ph.D. degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of Mississippi in 2004. After that, he served as a visiting assistant professor at Ohio Northern University for the academic year 2004-2005, where he taught courses in transportation engineering, traffic engineering, highway engineering, urban planning, and surveying. He then joined CE-CERT in July 2005 as a postdoctoral scholar in the Transportation Systems Research group.
Currently, Dr. Boriboonsomsin holds an Assistant Research Engineer (research faculty) position at CE-CERT. His research interests include the relationship of land use and transportation to energy and air quality, transportation planning, vehicle emissions modeling, traffic simulation, geographic information system (GIS) applications in transportation, and intelligent transportation system (ITS) technology. His current research focuses on developing innovative ITS applications that benefit the environment, improving the inventorying methods of on-road mobile emissions, evaluating strategies to reduce greenhouse gases from surface transportation, among others.